Clinical Team


Practice Nurses

Our nursing team is available by appointment for chronic disease clinics such as diabetes and asthma, consultation on a wide range of health matters, and some minor procedures. If you wish to request advice by phone, please ask Reception for a call at the end of a clinic. 


Health Care Assistants 

Our HCAs can take blood, check blood pressures, perform ECGs, give routine injections, carry out NHS Health Checks, and other tasks.

Hailey Carver Hailey Carver Advanced Paramedic Practitioner Rebecca Acton Rebecca Acton Advanced Paramedic Practitioner Jill Millin Jill Millin Lead Practice Nurse Laura Murphy Laura Murphy Practice Nurse Abigail Hewitt Abigail Hewitt Practice Nurse Olivia Wright Olivia Wright Practice Nurse Perdy van den Berg Perdy van den Berg Diabetes Specialist Nurse Bobbie Day Bobbie Day Lead Healthcare Assistant Sofia Azzouz Sofia Azzouz Healthcare Assistant Jaime Stevens Jaime Stevens Healthcare Assistant